For Mobile to thrive in the future, its young people must be ready for employment in the thousands of high wage, high demand jobs in our region. This involves increasing student’s exposure to these job opportunities while in school, providing workforce and academic training that prepares youth for these competitive careers, and supporting out-of-school youth to persist in these career pathways after high school.

While there are numerous high quality, innovative workforce development programs serving our region, many of our young people fail to take advantage of these opportunities after high school.The Alabama Commission on Higher Education has revealed that 14,608 youth ages 16-24 are not in school and not employed in the Mobile workforce area (Region 7). This means that 1,800 youth per year are entering adulthood not ready for economic opportunities. MAEF is focused on helping to close this gap by developing a workforce on-ramp for youth that prepares them for the numerous workforce development programs in our area and that continues to provide wraparound support to them to ensure they successfully complete these programs and attain gainful employment.
MAEF, in partnership with the Southwest Alabama Partnership for Training and Education, Bishop State Community College, Mobile Chamber of Commerce, and Southwest Alabama Workforce Deveoment Council, has developed the MAEF Workforce Center to serve as a pipeline for 18-24 year old out of school youth. This center prepares youth by giving them the critical exposure to potential careers in high-demand fields, the practical training in workforce essentials skills that make them employable, the entry level certifications to enter their desired career fields, and the ongoing counseling and case management that helps them persist on their career pathways despite challenges.