The Mobile Area Education Foundation (MAEF) was founded in 1992 by Carolyn R. Akers as a convener of diverse community stakeholders around our local public education challenges. For over 30 years, we have served as an advocate and activist for public schools in Mobile County and have raised more than $ 40 Million dollars to support the improvement of public education.


MAEF has been Mobile’s lead agency on many education-focused improvement initiatives including: Yes We Can, 80/20 Graduate Ready, 75,000 Degrees, and Evidence2Success. We helped pass the first property tax increase for public school funding in 41 years, providing millions of dollars annually to public schools in Mobile County.
We founded ACCEL Academy, Alabama’s first public charter school, whose mission is to develop personalized educational pathways to help disconnected youth find success in college, careers, and civic life. Despite many academic and personal challenges, ACCEL graduates 80% of its students in four years with over 90% accepted to postsecondary education.
Through our full-service schools strategy, we support over 2,000 students and families in five high-poverty local schools to receive the academic and wraparound supports needed to thrive. These efforts are supported by the more than $4 million raised annually to deliver on our mission.